Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Tuesday NYC The End

Today was a real "winding down" day.  We are exhausted.  Hung around the hotel till 11 a.m. to get our boarding passes printed off and get transportation to the airport arranged.  There's construction on one corner of our street so the sidewalk is closed and re-routed and the street is down to one lane, so we opted to NOT try to get a taxi and just got a car service to be here at the hotel.  Hope that works.

After getting that all arranged, we took off walking again.  This time in a totally different direction


down Fashion Avenue around 34-36th Streets in the Garment District...just to see what we could see.  Found the big "warehouse" buildings where the clothes are designed and made...lots of little dress shops (cheap looking and some of the clothes "Made in Taiwan".  LOL.  But it was really interesting.  This walk was in the "working" area of NYC.  These people were actually working; not just walking.  I just wonder where all these people are going.


While on 8th Avenue and around 34th, sirens, sirens, sirens.  Fire trucks, police.  They just went around and around trying to find an address, I guess.  Slow, slow progress trying to get through the traffic.  They'd stop, look down a street, then go on and around the block and try again.  This went on for 15-30 minutes and we never saw anything nor saw where they went.  The sirens finally quit.

We kept walking and turned back up toward Times Square/Broadway area.  Went back by the building where we lined up for the Huckabee Show and ate lunch at Fresh & Co, a little café in the walkway (large walkway) between the Fox buildings.  Just as we walked up, Alisyn Camerota walked from one building to the next.  And just as we got up to leave, Julie Banderas walked into one of the buildings.  All are on Fox.

From there we walked on and started heading back towards the hotel.  We had had enough of walking, people, horns, sirens--the whole NY scene.  We decided to go to Bryant Park and just sit a while with a USA Today and our Kindles.  It was a nice reprieve.  It was around lunch time and the park was full of people getting lunch and on their phones. 

Clouds came up and a few sprinkles were felt so we walked back to the hotel mid-afternoon.  Been
Our Hotel (the middle bldg.)
here ever since.  Getting our suitcases ready for tomorrow.

We are SO ready to get home.  It's been a really fun time--except for a few moments (okay, more than a few) on the cruise.  We've really enjoyed NYC.  But it's one of those things for us--been there, done that.   I know there's a lot we missed, but we saw a lot, too.  If we ever come back, it'll be to the Central Park area (Trump Towers is right across---only $700-$7000 a night

Til next time......


1 comment:

  1. I really enjoyed your trip. Posting comments was a hit and a miss. I don't know why it has to be so difficult to do that. It finally hit me what HOHO stood for this morning. I'm slow. :) New York City is something I think just Scott and I should do. I can't imagine the four of us trying to maneuver down the crowded sidewalks. Lot's of questions about all of it when y'all get home. There is beautiful weather waiting on you at home.
