Monday, October 14, 2013

Saturday.Day One....a longgggg day one.


We were up at 4 a.m. (didn't really know that you could actually walk around at that hour) and had a smooth flight into NYC.  No delays ...we were actually 30 minutes early on both legs.  Love, love, love the upgrade to First enough and super comfy...first on and first (literally) off.   Met up with the Princess rep, and after waiting for all her passengers to arrive on different flights, we boarded the shuttle to the ship.   

LaGuardia is in Queens and as we drove south into Brooklyn, we could see the NYC coastline on our right....UN Building, Empire State Building, Freedom Tower....Amazing how many huge buildings they can cram on a little island. 

Got to the cruise terminal....more disorganized than others we've done.  Not sure of what they were doing...the lady that was supposed to be handing out numbers and health declarations only handed out a number to us....had to go back and get the health sheet.  Had to fill out Canadian Customs declaration and put in how many days you were there and how much you spent....considering we're not even there yet, that's sorta hard to do.

Freedom Tower, Wall Street, etc.
But we got on the ship.  Dumped our carry-ons in the room and went looking for FOOD.  We'd had nothing but a package of chips all day.  Found the Horizon Court buffet and got a little bit...didn't want to "spoil" our was already about 3 p.m.  Sat at a table by the windows and WHAT A VIEW.... The NYC skyline across the Hudson to the right and the Statue of Liberty on the left.  Watched the Staten Island Ferries cross back and 
forth and many boats on the river.

The Lady as we left

Did the muster...took longer than it should have, but at least we were sitting.  Came back to room and unpacked, then went up on the deck to watch as we left the pier and slipped by the Statue of Liberty.  For some reason (and I think it was because some folks didn't do what they were supposed to do), we were late leaving and the sun was setting as we left the pier.  But we got a good luck at her....welcoming all the immigrants from long ago.
Leaving the Hudson and going under a bridge...not sure which one, but we were sure close to it. 


Then dinner....went down around 6:30 and got in a long, long line for anytime dining.  Asked for a table for two and had to wait another 45 minutes.  He finally seated us at a table for 4 with nobody else.  The first night is always a nightmare, but this was the worst.  Service was slow, but it did get better.  I had requested special dietary (gluten-free) and had personal service from Claudio from Romania.  Personally recommended dishes that could be made gluten free and said he was personally taking care of my dessert.  Super nice guy.  They brought out my prime rib and had my fork on the way to my mouth and it was snatched out from in front of me quick as a flash.....said the sauce was cooked in the same pan as regular sauce (with flour)....brought me another one....I just sat there with my mouth open and the fork in my hand as it disappeared....but it was only a minute when he brought me another one.   

It is 10:30 and we are already back in the room ready to crash....we are very sleepy.   We opened the balcony doors for a few's very, very cool out there...bordering on cold.  

Tomorrow is a day at sea....gonna read and people watch.  Lots of Walmart folks onboard, but I will not take pictures.



  1. "Lots of Walmart folks onboard, but I will not take pictures."...but you did :) Have a great time!

    1. Your "fahther" took those....while I was shopping. Too funny not to post.

  2. Hey, don't y'all go to Walmart?...come to think of it, we do too!
