Monday, October 14, 2013 sea

A really good day.  Slept til 6:30 or 7:30 or even 8:30...depending on the time zone....bodies slept til they woke up....which was  about 8:30 Nova Scotia time..which is where we'll be on Monday.  The Atlantic is a lot "wavier" than the Caribbean with some fairly good swells so we were rocked to  sleep.   It was occasionally more than a gentle rock, and at times, I felt like my bed and body were levitating, but it did lull us to sleep last  night.


 After breakfast, we just walked around the ship  for a bit, did some shopping.   Had a lot of  "obstacles" to maneuver around...reminding us of Walmart..again...but they don't beep when they back up!
Shopkeeper....looks like grandson, Braden! 


Ended up with our Kindles and COATS on the back deck very alone.  Sunshine felt great and it wasn't TOO cool with our coats on, but after a bit the wind got to be too much so we headed back inside.


Watching the U2 concert on the big outdoor screen
The Caribbean is a large ship..over 3000   passengers which I know is not a mega ship like they have now, but there are entirely too many people around for us.  Crowds hanging over railings in the atrium area...can't even walk down the stairs.  We just like to be able to move from place to place without dodging and standing to wait for people to get out of the aisle.  One of my pet peeves.  Anyway...after looking for a quiet place to read, ended up in our room..quiet, peaceful and no crowds...We read.  Give me the smaller ships any day.

Had to have his ice cream fix....


Tonight was formal night...traded cameras with another couple and had a snapshot formal  picture this trip.  We got to the dining room early in hopes of getting a table for two, but all were already taken....So we agreed to "share".  Now we are not snobby people, but when we make the effort to dress according to the "rules", we expect others to do so.  Last night, the attire we saw coming out of the dining room was unbelievable....sloppy tee shirts, shorts, ball caps on backwards.  Specifically stated that they were not allowed.  Granted, it was just a few, and it was the first night, but they were noticed.   So, we didn't want to "share" a table with sweats and me a snob if you want to, but I'm not.  So we agreed to a table for 4.


And just as we sat down, here comes a couple....dressed appropriately and very nice.  They were Chinese (she was born in Shanghai and they were from Hong Kong) but now live in NYC, and spend their winters in Europe and Hong Kong where their son lives.  Oh my, what an interesting couple.  He was in the textile import business and they've been retired over 20 years (married for 51).  So nice and so easy to talk to...had to really listen to understand the accent sometimes, but loved talking to them.  We all agreed that we were polar opposites....they were city people (didn't cook--my heart!) and ate  their meals at local restaurants near their apartment.  We shared that we  had 60 acres to take care of (her eyes got wide when we said that) and cooked nearly all our meals.  When they get bored, they lock up their apartment (in a 50 story building on 3rd and 65th) and go somewhere.  They take this cruise every year.  We really lucked out.  Took each others pictures and names.  LOL.  They seemed to enjoy talking to us also.  They shared their experiences and feelings and what they saw on 9/11 from their apartment. 

  Ronnie and Tak were discussing the closing of the national parks and monuments and, of course, the conversation led to Ronnie asking him a question on how he viewed the politics of our country today.  He said, "get rid of all of them."  We got a laugh from that.  They pretty much felt like we did about the whole political situation.  He said he'd be looking for Ronnie on the news...thought it looked like a Republican speaker of some sort.  

I think we all had the "Shrimp Daniele" tonight.  Good.  And my gluten-free chocolate mousse was wonderful.  Food has been really good. 

After dinner, we went to the show , "Do You Wanna Dance".  It was good, but we've seen better.  Looked around for a lounge with dancing and found one.  Enjoyed some good ole rock and roll, waltzs and had a good time.   

Got to the room around 10:30, ordered coffee from room service for in the morning and are watching Fox News and making plans for tomorrow in Halifax, Nova Scotia.   No tours because we've been  over most of Nova Scotia and have seen a lot.  We'll just go to the pier area and look around at the shops.  There's a few historical museums we may visit....all within a short distance from the ship.  We'll wait til all the tour people get off and then we'll go out for a bit.  Temp is supposed to be around 62, but I suspect it'll be very cool in the morning.  Stuck my head out the balcony door a few minutes ago....cold! 

We were rested up and had a good day today.  Hope tomorrow is the same.

PS.  We are now in Halifax and found a nice Internet Café to publish these last blogs.  Not bad for $1..unlimited internet.  Great speed.  We are now off to look around.


1 comment:

  1. I wanna live like that - get bored - go somewhere. No yard work, no dishes...sounds awesome!
