Friday, October 11, 2013

Here we go again...

After last fall's RV trip to Nova Scotia and New England, we are again headed this way .  This time we'll see the views from another perspective....from the sea.  AND, after only one day in NYC last year, we wanted to go back to see more of the city.   We found what seems like the perfect combination of both.  A cruise ship leaving from New York City and cruising up the New England coast to Nova Scotia....hopefully to see beautiful fall colors.  And going back to Bar Harbor, Maine, a place we loved.  We'll also stop at Boston, which we missed on our driving tour. Then a 5 day stay when we return via ship to NYC. 

It will be a cool cruise so packing will have to be carefully done....fall clothes take up a lot more room than our normal Caribbean cruise clothes.  But, maybe we can at least wear something more than once. 

We'll be flying to NYC  and embarking on the Caribbean Princess cruise ship.  We've done Princess a couple of times, once to the Panama Canal and once somewhere in the Caribbean and enjoy their ships.  After returning from the cruise to NYC early on October 19, we'll make a mad dash to the hotel (located in the Times Square area); dump our luggage and walk a few blocks down to the Fox Studios for the taping of the Huckabee show at noon.   That will be a stressful morning, I can already tell.  Getting a taxi at the pier and getting to the show on time is going to be tricky.  If we are late, our tickets can be given away to "first come, first serve" folks.   So, be sure and watch for us on his show on October 19....I've been working on my interview already....Let's see, will it be the shutdown or Obamacare....

I think all the paperwork is done,  tickets bought, and the itinerary written down....lest we forget where we are.  We have packed and repacked and , finally, our two bags are under the weight limit.  We leave tomorrow (Saturday, 10/12) at 7:45.  Got checked in and found a great first class upgrade on the Charlotte/LaGuardia leg....Little Rock to Charlotte...not.  But we got good seats on that leg.  It's a smaller plane and I don't have to sit in the middle seat!!!! 

So, if you'd like, come with us as we journal our trip.


1 comment:

  1. I've bookmarked this page and now I'm ready for the journey!
