Sunday, October 20, 2013

Saturday, NYC

Now, today was a really, really long day.  Up at 6:30 to watch us sail into the Brooklyn Harbor with the lights of NYC shining in the distance.  The sun was just coming up over the city by 7 ish. 

We were carrying our luggage off unassisted, so our Group was to "gather" in the one of the dining rooms at 8:10.  Knowing the horrors of the hordes of people, we opted to leave the room about 7:40.  Unbelievable, we got an elevator quickly, walked into the dining room --no one else--and he said if we were ready, we could go ahead and leave.  We started walking and didn't stop--just slowed down--until we were on the street.  Went thru the "check out" line on the ship, down the gangway, into the terminal, through customs and out to the street without stopping....amazing.  On the street, there were TWO taxies and a line.  But there were lots of big black cars lined up, so we hopped into one of these car services, (a big Lincoln), got to the hotel, registered, took our luggage into lockup room and we were having a Starbucks by 8:30 a.m.  Unbelievable!!! 

We were due at the Huckabee show by 11:30, so around 9:30 we started walking.  About 15 minutes of walking and we found the place.  We knew where the Fox Studios were, but this entrance was between that building and another building behind it.  They were actually both Fox with walkways between them.  There's a little "plaza" like area with a coffee shop.  We walked around the area more to see the sights and happened to walk back by the front of Fox.  They were filming Fox and Friends outside so we stopped and watched until they finished that particular segment (carving pumpkins).  Got to visit with Tucker Carlson for a minute (he worked in Little Rock for a while)  When the camera is on Tucker Carlson, you can see us just over his shoulder --briefly.  It was fun to watch.  They all look so much younger than they do on TV.  Later we saw Jamie Colby as she walked out and then walked back in later. 

Got in line for the Huckabee show about 11 or so and in a few minutes he came out to speak with everyone....went down the line.  Went thru security and downstairs where they had sandwiches and water.  In a few more minutes, we were led upstairs to the studio.  His assistant asked us and two more couples if we minded standing for the taping of the music part of the show.  Our front row seats area needed to be used for the cameras during the taping.  So we missed a lot of the audience filming and warmup--at least from the seated part.  They did the musicals for two nights (this weekend and next weekend's show) and then we were seated on the front row.  The warm up guy was funny.  Found out we were from Arkansas and asked us to do the "hog call"....we did an abbreviated version and found out Huckabee was doing it with us off stage.  We got an ovation.  LOL.

Watching the filming was very interesting.  The room is very small with 4 or 5 cameras.  Much smaller than it looks.  It's very informal and everyone seems to get along very well...lots of joking around.  Afterwards, he thanked us all for coming....just very friendly and didn't give the "star" effect at all.  Everybody was just walking around having a good time.  We enjoyed it very much. 

We were done by 2:15 , so we walked down to the Top of the Rock and zipped up to the 65th floor to see an amazing panorama of NYC....oh my, the buildings, the buildings.  Central Park was beautiful.
An amazing city.

Saturday and there are LOTS of people out especially around Times Square.  It was just body to
body...but they are moving!  Craziness abounds.

We walked back to the hotel and got our luggage and came up to the room.  Very nice room, large and roomy with a view of the Empire State Building and other buildings...can't even see the street...28th floor.  We rested for an hour, then went back out to head out to the theater.

We decided to just pick something that was along the route--which was right down the middle of Broadway and Times Square again.  Headed toward Bubba Gump's, but the line was down the street, so we kept walking.  Saw a Planet Hollywood with no lines so we headed there.  Quick service; good food.  Ate and headed on down to find the theater.  Found it easily and had two hours before showtime.  So we walked back down the Times Square to people watch.  Entertainment everywhere.  We heard bands playing; saw the crazies walking around half naked.  Free entertainment everywhere.

The show we selected was John Grisham's "A Time to Kill".  Fred Thompson and Tom Skerritt were in it.  The theater was fairly small and cramped, I thought, but it was built in the 1920's when people were  We both enjoyed it very much.  Ronnie, to my surprise, really liked it.  He said if we lived in NYC, we'd do shows a lot.  Show was over at 10:30 and walking back through Times Square----it was like it was at 7:30...people still lining up for restaurants, still thick as fleas walking down the sidewalks.  I heard so many different languages being spoken.  It took about 15 minutes to get thru the crowds and back to the hotel.  There's a McDonald's close by so we stopped in for a coke.  My first up close encounter with a transvestite on the corner.  Ronnie's jaw dropped. 

Got to bed around midnight. more pictures later.....

Tomorrow is another day.



  1. Scott recorded the Huckabee show and we saw you both on the front row at the beginning of the show. I had to get up and get kleenex when they did the story and sang Sweet Lorraine. Really got to us seeing that little old man tear up.

    1. yes, there were lots of tears. We were standing over to one side during the taping of the song and watched him. The lady next to him kept patting his arm and was just crying. It was so sweet. And when it says it just seems like a dream but it was relate to it as we get older.
